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History 102 Western Civilizations Post-1600 Northern Virginia Community College |
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Welcome |
Readings |
Grading and Due Dates |
Expectations |
Description of Course Elements |
Course Schedule |
Policies & Resources |
Welcome to History 102 |
• Explain using written and oral communication the changing structures and development of Western civilization after 1600 CE.
• Describe key people, periods, and events of Western civilization after 1600 CE using written and oral communication.
Critical Thinking
• Identify and evaluate the social, economic and political forces at work in the evolution of Western civilization from approximately 1600 CE to the present
• Analyze how the people, events, and periods of history have determined present practices, policies, and beliefs.
• Understand the general chronology and geography of Western history. • Evaluate the main forces or factors at work in the historical development of the West.
• Analyze and evaluate complex historical sources and materials and reach conclusions based on interpretations of primary and secondary resources.
The Age of Absolutism: Suggested Context Absolute Monarchy, Constitutional Monarchy, Hapsburg Dynasty, Philip II of Spain, Bourbon Dynasty of France, Catherine the Great of Russia,
• Identify and/or explain the origins of Absolutism and Constitutionalism.
• Compare and contrast the Absolute monarchy and Constitutional monarchy.
• Analyze and evaluate complex historical sources and materials and reach conclusions based on interpretations of primary and secondary resources.
Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment: Suggested Context Kepler, Copernicus, Newton, Empiricism, Enlightenment Philosophy (Hume, Locke, Smith, Rousseau, etc.), Social Contract
• Describe how the Scientific Revolution impacted religious, political, and cultural institutions by challenging how people viewed the world.
• Explain the Enlightenment thinkers applied reason to discover natural laws.
• Analyze how Enlightenment ideas challenged practices related to traditional authority.
• Analyze and evaluate complex historical sources and materials and reach conclusions based on interpretations of primary and secondary resources.
Age of Revolution: Suggested Context Nationalism, American Revolution, French Revolution, Latin American Independence Movements, Napoleon, Metternich, Unification of Italy, Unification of Germany
• Identify how Enlightenment philosophy inspired the Age of Revolution.
• Explain how the revolutionary leaders of this time embodied or complicated the philosophies of the Enlightenment.
• Describe the historical origins of the nation or nation-state, and the emergence of nationalism in the world.
• Analyze and evaluate complex historical sources and materials and reach conclusions based on interpretations of primary and secondary resources.
Industrial Revolution: Suggested Context Child Labor, Industrial Technology, Monopoly, Strikes and Unions, Factory System, Urbanization, Marxism and Communism, The ‘Working Class’
• Identify the origins of the Industrial Revolution.
• Describe how the Industrial Revolution changed society.
• Analyze and evaluate complex historical sources and materials and reach conclusions based on interpretations of primary and secondary resources.
Imperialism: Suggested Context Debate over White Man’s Burden, Anti-Colonial Thought, European Colonies (i.e, the Congo, India, Vietnam, etc.), Race and Culture, Rebellions and Uprisings
• Analyze and explain the political, economic and social roots of imperialism.
• Evaluate the stated purposes/intended impacts of imperialism and how the colonized resisted them.
• Analyze and evaluate complex historical sources and materials and reach conclusions based on interpretations of primary and secondary resources.
• Analyze the importance of racial hierarchies to European imperialism.
World War I: Suggested Context Schlieffen Plan, Trench Warfare, Russian Revolution, Treaty of Versailles, Propaganda, Home Front, Military technology (i.e, planes, tanks, automatic weaponry, chemical warfare, etc.)
• Identify the causes of World War I.
• Analyze the progression of the war and its ultimate outcomes.
• Analyze and evaluate complex historical sources and materials and reach conclusions based on interpretations of primary and secondary resources.
Era Between Wars: Suggested Context Great Depression, Russian Revolution, Lost Generation, Totalitarian Regimes, Weimar Republic, Popular Nationalisms
• Analyze the rise and impact of totalitarianism in Europe and/or the rest of the world.
• Compare the economic and military power shifts caused by World War I and/or the Great Depression.
• Analyze and evaluate complex historical sources and materials and reach conclusions based on interpretations of primary and secondary resources.
• Explain societal transformations in the aftermath of the First World War and their impact on interwar social and political movements.
World War II: Suggested Context Appeasement, Holocaust, Blitzkrieg, D-Day, Internment Camps, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Hitler, Churchill, Home Front, Propaganda
• Explain the key causes of World War II • Analyze the progression of the war and its ultimate outcomes.
• Evaluate the impact of genocide and the Holocaust within the context of the war.
• Analyze and evaluate complex historical sources and materials and reach conclusions based on interpretations of primary and secondary resources.
Decolonization: Suggested Context Indigenous People, Self-Determination, Multinational States, Globalization, Algerian War, Partition of India
• Analyze the reasons for decolonization and how nationalism and nationalistic leaders led the demand for colonial independence.
• Evaluate the impact of independence for former colonies.
• Analyze and evaluate complex historical sources and materials and reach conclusions based on interpretations of primary and secondary resources.
Cold War: Suggested Context Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO and the Warsaw Pact, Cuban Missile Crisis, Korean War, Vietnam War, Brinksmanship vs. Détente, Civil Rights Movement, Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall
• Explain the ideological, economic, and military origins of the Cold War.
• Analyze the impacts of the Cold War on world politics, society, and/or the economy.
• Analyze and evaluate complex historical sources and materials and reach conclusions based on interpretations of primary and secondary resources.
Major Topics to be Included
• The Age of Absolutism
• Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment
• Age of Revolution
• Industrial Revolution
• Imperialism
• World War I
• World War II
• Decolonization
• Cold War
Readings |
NOVA ALL ACCESS TEXTBOOK PROGRAM: When you register for classes each semester, you’re automatically enrolled in NOVA All Access and charged a fee of $22.50 per credit hour. The fee will appear on your student account, along with your tuition and other fees. YOU need to decide if the fee benefits you. And YOU need to opt out if it does not save you money. Complete details about the NOVA All Access program are available here.
How do you determine if the program saves you money? Use this Google Sheets calculator tool to decide whether the All Access cost is higher than your materials would cost to get on your own. Here is a video tutorial about how to use the Google Sheets calculator tool.
How do you opt out if it does not save you money? If the program does not save you money, YOU CAN OPT OUT and get your money back to buy your textbooks independently. For most students, the opt out deadline will be February 6. Click here and click a SMALL link just above FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS that says “Opt Out of NOVA All-Access.”
Grading and Due Dates |
Course Element | Points | Due Date |
Attendance and Participation | 15% | Every Class |
Primary Source
Discussion Leadership |
10% | At least once over the
course of the semester |
Book Review | 10% | Source Proposal: March
2 Finished Paper: April 6 |
Bibliography, Part 1 |
10% | April 20 |
Annotated Bibliography,
Part 2 |
10% | April 27 |
Project |
25% | Project Proposal: Feb.
23 Finished Project: May 4 Project Interview no later than May 12 |
Exams | 20% | Midterm due March 30 Final due May 11 |
Points |
Final Course Grade |
Above 90% | A |
80-89% | B |
70-79% | C |
60-69% | D |
59% and Below | F |
Expectations |
Description of Course Elements |
1) Since this is a world history class, I would like your focus to extend beyond the history of the United States. This means no topic which solely deal with US history. You can, however, have a topic which ends up comparing US history with the history of some other region-- for example you could work on a topic which highlights the parallels between segregation in the US South with the Apartheid system in South Africa.
2) You should investigate a topic which largely falls sometime between the years 1500 and 2000. The period before 1500 is beyond the scope of the class, and the period after 2000 is too modern for us to have an appropriately historical perspective on. There’s perhaps a bit of wiggle room with these dates, but the bulk of your focus should be somewhere within this span of time.
3) There needs to be a sufficient body of written primary source documents in a language which you are able to read. Documents written by people who lived during the period you are researching and who personally experienced the events which you are investigating are indispensable to any work of historical scholarship. Unfortunately sometimes there are very interesting topic ideas for which the sources simply aren’t available. It is up to you to make sure early on in your research process that you will be able to find the minimum of 5 written primary source documents necessary for this project. Please see below for a list online primary source collections which can be a convenient starting point for your preliminary investigations.
1) What sort of topic do you want to research this semester? You should be as specific as possible about the particular time frame and/or geographic region. (Sometimes it can be helpful to phrase your topic in terms of a particular research question. For example “What were the causes of the French Revolution?” “How did Nazi anti-semitism change Jewish life in Germany during the 1930s?” or “How successful was the gay liberation movement of the 1960s in securing rights for the LGBTQ community in Britain, Germany, and the USA?”)
2) Why do you find this topic interesting? In what ways do you anticipate that your research will be relevant to things that you care about in your own life?
3) Which of the project formats have you chosen?
4) What sorts of primary sources do you expect to use? Have done any preliminary checking to see what sorts of sources are available? If so, where? (Remember, primary sources are documents written by people who lived during the period you are researching and who personally experienced the events which you are investigating. So for example, are there letters or memoirs written by people who were involved in the events? Relevant laws from the time period in question? Interviews of people who lived through the events?)
For primary sources, you might consult the following resources (some of these sites also contain secondary sources as well):
- The Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History, and Diplomacy.
- Cambridge Digital Library.
- Hanover Historical Texts Collection.
- Finding World History Sources.
- The Women's Library at LSC.
- The Modern History Sourcebook.
- The Jewish History Sourcebook.
- The Women's History Sourcebook.
- The Victorian Web.
- Women in World History
- German History in Documents and Images.
- Marxists Internet Library.
- 17 Moments in Soviet History.
1) A link to where your project video or website is publicly viewable.
2) The script or text for your project so it can be checked for plagiarism and A.I. use.
Part 1) Time Line (5 Paragraphs): Provide a Time Line which lists in chronological order what you think are the five most important events in the history of the West from 1600-1900. ALL OF YOUR EXAMPLES MUST BE EVENTS OR DEVELOPMENTS WE DISCUSSED IN CLASS! No more than two of your examples should be drawn from United States history. Each item on your Time Line should be a paragraph long and should contain the following information:
- What happened.
- When it happened (approximate dates are okay).
- Why it happened.
- The major Consequences of the event.
- How is this event significant or important?
Part 2) Primary Source Analyses: You will be given the titles of two primary sources which you have read during the first half of the semester, and asked to briefly discuss the following elements:
- The identity and point of view of the author.
- The historical context of the document (what circumstances influenced the author?).
- The basic contents of the document.
- What does the document tell us about the specific time and place it was written?
Part 1) Time Line: Provide a Time Line which lists in chronological order what you think are the five most important events in the history of the West after 1900. ALL OF YOUR EXAMPLES MUST BE EVENTS OR DEVELOPMENTS WE DISCUSSED IN CLASS! No more than two of your examples should be drawn from United States history. Each item on your Time Line should be a paragraph long and should contain the following information:
- What happened.
- When it happened (approximate dates are okay).
- Why it happened.
- The major Consequences of the event.
- How is this event significant or important?
Part 2) Primary Source Analyses: You will be given the titles of two primary sources which you have read during the second half of the semester, and asked to briefly discuss the following elements:
- The identity and point of view of the author.
- The historical context of the document (what circumstances influenced the author?).
- The basic contents of the document.
- What does the document tell us about the specific time and place it was written?
Course Schedule |
Tuesday, February 4: Introduction |
Read the syllabus. Watch "Is History B.S.?" Brooks, "Introduction" |
Thursday, February 6: Research and the
Digital Age |
Discussion Sources: Alan
Turing, “Conference
theory, 26-29 September 1950;” John
Battelle, “The
Google,” Wired, August 2005 Watch What's The Difference Between Primary & Secondary Sources? Brooks, Chapter 8: Absolutism |
Assignments to Complete: | Read through the entire syllabus, and submit the Introduction Assignment and the Syllabus Quiz by the end of the day on Sunday using the appropriate link under "Assignments" in the class Canvas page. |
Tuesday, February 11: Whose History?- The
West and the Rest of the World |
Discussion Source: Lahontan, Excerpts from Dialogues with Kondiaronk (1703) Watch Is Western Civilization B.S.? Watch Was The Atlantic Slave Trade B.S.? Brooks, Chapter 9: Trade Empires |
Thursday, February 13: The "History of Great Men" or "History from Below?" |
Discussion Sources: Gerrard Winstanley, Excerpts from "The True Levellers Standard Advanced (1649)" ; The Articles of Bartholomew Roberts, John Phillips, Edward Low, George Lowther, John Gow, and Henry Morgan Brooks, Chapter 12: The Society of Orders |
Tuesday, February 18: Families, Labor, and the Enlightenment |
Discussion Sources: Johann
Mortiz Schwager, “On
Peasant” (1786); Mary Wollstonecraft,
excerpts from "A
Vindication of the Rights of Women" (1792) Watch Was The Enlightenment B.S.? Brooks, Chapter 11: The Enlightenment |
Thursday, February 20: An Age of Revolutions |
Readings: French
Declaration of the Rights of Man and
Citizen (1789) Was The French Revolution B.S.? Brooks, Chapter 13: The French Revolution |
Assignments to Complete: | Research Project
Proposal Due February 23. |
Tuesday, February 25: Terror and Reaction |
Discussion Source: Edmund Burke, Excerpts from Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790). Watch Was The Haitian Revolution B.S.? Brooks, Volume 3, Chapter 1: Napoleon |
Thursday, February 27: Industrial Life |
Discussion Sources: "The Life of the Industrial Worker in Nineteenth-Century England" (1832); Women Miners in the English Coal Pits (1842). Watch Was The Industrial Revolution B.S.? Brooks, Chapter 2: The Industrial Revolution |
Assignments to Complete: | Book Proposal for
Review due March 2. |
Tuesday, March 4: Industrial Era Politics |
Source: J.S. Mill, excerpts from On Liberty
(1859); Brooks, Chapter 3: Political Ideologies and Movements |
Thursday, March 6: Maps of Utopia |
Discussion Sources: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, excerpts from The Communist Manifesto (1848); Errico Malatesta, "Towards Anarchism" (1899) |
Tuesday, March 11: The Realities of Empire |
Discussion Sources: Ruyard Kipling, "The
Man's Burden" (1899); Excerpts
from The Casement Report on the Congo (1904) Watch Was The English East India Co. B.S.? Watch Was Imperialism In Congo B.S.? Brooks, Chapter 6: Imperialism |
Thursday, March 13: Nationalism |
Discussion Sources:
Excerpt from Bismarck's "Blood
and Iron" Speech (1862); Manifesto
of the Paris Commune (1871) Brooks, Chapter 4: The Politics of the Nineteenth Century |
Assignments to Complete: | Make sure you have the book for your Book Review Paper by March 16. Upload a picture of you with the book using the appropriate link in the course Canvas page. |
Tuesday, March 25: Cultural Modernism |
Discussion Readings: Selection of Love Letters from Oscar Wilde to Alfred "Bosie" Douglas (1892-1897); Oscar Wilde, Selected Prison Writings (1897); Douglas O. Linder, "The Trials of Oscar Wilde: An Account (secondary source)" Brooks, Chapter 5: Culture, Science, and Pseudo-Science |
Thursday, March 27: The Great War |
Reading: Ernst Jünger, Excerpts
from Storm of Steel (1920) Watch Were The Causes of World War I B.S.? Brooks, Chapter 7: World War 1 |
Assignments to Complete: | Midterm
Exam Due March 30
Upload a picture of a page of the book for your Book Review Paper with the author’s main argument highlighted or circled by March 30. |
Tuesday, April 1: A Flawed Peace |
Source: Woodrow
Wilson's Fourteen
(1918) Brooks, Chapter 8: Early Twentieth-Century Culture Watch Was the 1918 Influenza B.S.? |
Thursday, April 3: Revolution in Russia |
Source: V. I. Lenin, "The
April Theses (1917)" Watch Was The Russian Revolution B.S.? |
Assignments to Complete: | Book Review Due April 6 |
Tuesday, April 8: Stalin's Terror |
Source: Josef Stalin on the
Liquidation of the Kulaks, (1929) |
Thursday, April 10: Interwar Culture & Fascism |
Discussion Reading: Gabriele Tergit,
218: A Modern Gretchen Tragedy" (1926) Brooks, Chapter 9: Fascism Watch Is Fascism B.S.? |
Assignments to Complete: |
Find a scholarly journal article
related to the topic of your Research Project and upload
the full bibliographic citation of the article using the
appropriate link in Canvas by April 13 |
Tuesday, April 15:
The Third Reich |
Discussion Reading: Adolf Hitler, Excerpts from Several Speeches. Watch Is Modern Anti-Semitism B.S.? |
Thursday, April 17: Total War |
Reading: Elina I. Kochina, "Blockade
Diary" (1941)
Brooks, Chapter 10: World War 2 |
Assignments to Complete: | Annotated
Bibliography, Part 1 due April
20 |
Tuesday, April 22: Holocaust |
Discussion Reading:
Elie Wiesel, Excerpts
from Night (1960) Watch Is Violence B.S.? Brooks, Chapter 11: The Holocaust |
Thursday, April 24: The Cold War World |
Discussion Reading:
Winston Churchill,
"Iron Curtain" Speech
(1946); Josef Stalin's Response
to Churchill (1946) Watch Was The Cold War B.S.? Brooks, Chapter 12: The Soviet Union |
Annotated Bibliography,
Part 2 Due April 27 Research Project Main Argument Draft due April 27 |
Tuesday, April 29: Decolonization |
Reading: Patrice Lumumba, "Speech
at Accra" (1958) Watch Was The CIA Coup In Guatemala B.S.? Brooks, Chapter 13: Postwar Conflict |
Thursday, May 1: Post-War Life and the Neo-Liberal Order |
Discussion Reading: Simone de Beauvoir, excerpts from The Second Sex (1949) Watch Was The End of the Cold War B.S.?and Is Globalization B.S.? Brooks, Chapter 14: Postwar Societyand Chapter 15: Towards the Present |
Assignments to Complete: |
Research Project due May 4 |
Assignments to Complete: | Final
Exam Due May 11 Research Project Interview to be completed no later than May 12 |
Students are responsible for knowing and following the policies in the Student Handbook. The following are highlights of information that students should be aware of as they begin a course.
Accommodations and Accessibility Services
Buy Books with Excess Financial Aid
Financial Stability and Advocacy Centers
Office of Wellness and Mental Health
Prerequisite Verification Statement
NOVA promotes and emphasizes the importance of honesty in academic work. It is therefore imperative for students to maintain the highest standard of honor in their scholastic work.
Academic dishonesty, as outlined in more detail in the Academic Integrity Policy (Policy Number: 224), can include, but is not limited to cheating on an exam or quiz, submitting work that is not your own (plagiarism), or sharing assessments online. Consequences of academic dishonesty can include a failing grade on an assignment, a failing grade in the course, and may include additional administrative sanctions such as suspension or expulsion from the college. Procedures for disciplinary measures and appeals are outlined in the Academic Integrity Procedures. It is a student’s responsibility to become familiar with the student code of conduct. Lack of awareness is no excuse for noncompliance with NOVA’s policies and procedures.
NOVA Faculty may choose to use tools such as Turnitin to detect and flag instances of plagiarism in academic writing. These tools can also identify text written by artificial
intelligence (AI) applications such as ChatGPT and flag it as potential plagiarism.
The use of AI to complete assigned work may be considered a violation of the academic integrity policy. Students are urged to be cautious when using any web tools designed to assist with assignments without their instructors’ explicit permission to do so and to cite their sources in all their work.
NOVA is committed to ensuring all students have an opportunity to pursue a college education regardless of the presence or absence of a disability. No academically qualified student with a disability will be denied access to or participation in the services, programs, and activities of the College. Your access to and inclusion in this course is important to NOVA and me. Please request your accommodation letter (Memorandum of Accommodations) early in the semester or as soon as you become registered so that we have adequate time to arrange your approved academic accommodations. Returning students must renew their Memorandum of Accommodations (MOA) every semester; these students should submit the request 24 hours or later after enrolling in at least one class. Allow up to 7 business days for the request to be approved.
Accommodations are provided for in-person, online, and remote/synchronous (Zoom) learning. To get started, review NOVA’s Accommodation and Accessibility Services website. Following a meeting with a counselor, you will be issued a Memorandum of Accommodation (MOA). You must provide your MOA to your professors, testing proctor, and/or tutoring center in order to receive your accommodations. You may provide your MOA any time during the semester; however, accommodations are not retroactive. You may email your MOA or provide me with a printed copy. I will send you an email to acknowledge receipt. If I have any questions or if there is anything about your accommodations you wish to explain, we will schedule a meeting outside of class for that purpose. Please remind me of any special arrangements that must be made in advance of tests and assessments. If you need a sign language interpreter, or if you need live captions for your Zoom class, send an email to interpreters@nvcc.edu.
If your anticipated financial aid is more than what you owe for the semester, you may use your excess aid to purchase books, supplies, or even a laptop through the NOVA Bookstore. Book purchases must occur during the provided disbursement dates every semester. Note that this excess financial aid can only be used to purchase course books (physical and digital) and supplies at the NOVA Bookstore, not from other vendors. Two disbursement periods are available during the fall and spring semesters. Any holds on a student's account regarding a debt to the College must be resolved prior to using financial aid at the bookstore.
The College is committed to providing career services to all students as part of the comprehensive educational journey. Career Services assists students with exploring, developing and setting goals related to each student’s unique educational and academic needs. These services include career assessments, occupational information, goal setting, planning and employment resources. You can request an appointment with a career counselor.
NOVA announces campus and college closings on the NOVA homepage. You can also receive notification by cell phone or email if you register for NOVA Alert. Also review NOVA’s guidance on emergency closings, delayed openings, and continuation of instruction.
If a course is canceled due to a weather event or other unforeseen situation, check the course Canvas site or NOVA email as soon as possible for instructions and assignments to avoid falling behind in coursework. You are expected to be up to date with all assignments the next time the class meets.
Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC) faculty, staff, and administrators communicate with students through their official NVCC email accounts ( ______@nvcc.edu). Students are likewise required to use their VCCS email accounts (__________@email.vccs.edu) to communicate with instructors and other college personnel. Students should check their email accounts regularly.
Please note these important deadlines related to your enrollment in a course:
Students may drop courses through NOVAConnect until the last day to drop with a tuition refund (census date). Students who drop a class during this period will receive a full refund.
Requests to change your grade status to audit must also be completed before the last day to drop with a tuition refund (census date).
Students who do not attend at least one class meeting or participate in an online learning class by the last day to drop with a tuition refund (census date) may be administratively withdrawn from the class. This means that there will be no record of the class or any letter grade on the student’s transcript. The student’s tuition will not be refunded.
The Last Day to Withdraw is the last day to withdraw from classes without a grade penalty. Students will receive a grade of W. Students may withdraw from a course through NOVAConnect. The student’s tuition will not be refunded. Withdrawing from a course after the census date and before the withdrawal date will result in a “W” grade appearing on your transcript.
To identify these important dates for your courses, please visit the College Academic Calendar and scroll down to the specific session for your course. Please note that any drops or withdrawals from a course may impact financial aid, International Student status, or military benefits. Students with questions should check with the appropriate offices.
COVID-19 information and updates can be found on the Stay Safe with Ace webpage.
The Financial Stability and Advocacy Centers provide assistance to students who are experiencing financial hardships that might prevent the students’ academic success. The personnel at the Financial Stability and Advocacy Centers work with students to identify college or community services available. For more information, please visit the Financial Stability and Advocacy Centers webpage, or contact the office by calling 703.323.3450 or emailing financialstability@nvcc.edu.
NOVA’s Tutoring Centers offer free in-person and virtual tutoring to all NOVA Nighthawks. Students can drop by any one of campus Tutoring Centers for walk-in services, or set up an appointment for tutoring. To request an appointment for one-on-one tutoring, either in-person or via Zoom, log in to myNOVA to select EAB Navigate. For more information and for Tutoring Center locations, visit www.nvcc.edu/tutoring. In addition, Tutor.com is an online tutoring service that Northern Virginia Community College offers that is free to all students. Tutor.com provides tutoring in a variety of subjects, many of which are available 24/7. To access Tutor.com, click on the Tutor.com: 24/7 Online Tutoring link located in your course on the navigation menu.
During your time at NOVA, you may experience challenges including struggles with academics, finances, or your personal well-being. NOVA has support resources available. Please contact the Office of Wellness and Mental Health if you are seeking resources and support, or if you are worried about a friend or classmate.
As noted in the Course Prerequisites Policy, some courses have prerequisite or corequisite requirements that are established to foster a student’s success in the course. Students may not enroll in a course for which they do not meet the prerequisites by the time the course begins or for which they do not simultaneously enroll in any corequisite. Students may be administratively dropped from any course for which they have not met the prerequisite. If a course has a prerequisite, it is the responsibility of the student to ensure completion of this pre-requisite course first. Any student needing assistance in determining prerequisite or corequisite requirements can reach out to their faculty member or Campus Academic Division office for support.
If you need academic assistance or need college services but cannot make it to campus, please review NOVA’s Remote Student Support Services to receive virtual assistance. Services provided include enrollment services, advising, tutoring, and financial aid assistance.
Title IX is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs, activities, admission, and employment. Complaints of sex-based discrimination, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual or gender-based harassment are governed by the Title IX Policy. For more information or to make a report, visit the Office of Title IX.